Some Nights

Another night in this Full House

Some Nights

'Some nights I stay up casting in my bad luck, sometimes I call it a draw.'

I often think of things going on in terms of song lyrics, or lines from movies/shows. This one from F.U.N. came to mind tonight.

As a father of 3 (one of which is still pretty new), I find this journey into coding languages a tough one. I'm a school teacher by day (fine arts) and a father/husband for the rest of the day until there is time that can be made to learn.

Learn to code before the sun comes up. Learn to code long after the sun goes down. Hope that the kiddos have a good night sleep not only because I love them, but also the fleeting hope that I'll have the time to get some projects accomplished. Is this one of those nights? Time will tell......

Javascript has been quite a journey, and it's the one that my path currently has me on. It's objects and methods tonight.

I supposed I'd say it like this =>>

const fatherOfThree = {
message() {
console.log('I am just getting more and more exhausted!');
hope() {
console.log('If I keep going, I KNOW that I will get it!');
desire() {
console.log('I know I have it in me to grow and be prepared for the future!');
fatherOfThree.message(); // returns 'I am just getting more and more exhausted!'
fatherOfThree.hope(); // returns 'If I keep going, I KNOW that I will get it!'
fatherOfThree.desire(); // returns 'I know I have it in me to grow and be prepared for the future!'

I gotta tell you, the longer I study, the more confusing it becomes. I suppose that's to be expected......

The first week or two I felt confident. Strong in every area. Everything made sense, and was easy to remember. How do people in this field do this? I can only trust and believe that putting in the work will yield results that others also achieve. As a teacher, I too must believe in the idea of how education works right?

So pumped for this journey, but also so.......tired. Working full time. Working after hours. Parenting. Husband-ing. Learning. Coding. Praying. Hoping.

More to come from this Full House.